Karma to Dharma
Online Workshop Using Astrology and SoulCollage®

Presented by Judith Goldberg, MFA
SoulCollage® Facilitator & Evolutionary Astrologer

life passages

7 Wednesday Evenings
February 13th – May 8th 2013
8-10 PM Eastern, 5-7 PM Pacific
Registrations Close February 10th!!

All sessions will be recorded so you can
participate even if you can’t attend “live.”

Read what Judith's students say about her classes here

Ask yourself:

Questing Spirit
  • What is my life purpose?
  • Is my life on track?
  • What is blocking my success, happiness and personal fulfillment?
  • Why do I keep attracting the same problematic people and situations?
  • How can I breakthrough barriers to achieve my full potential?
  • Do I have a role in serving the greater good?

If you said yes to any of the above, then this is the perfect series for you!

The journey begins…

Disownwd Shadow
Fear Lurks in the Shadows

Marianne Williamson wrote A Return to Love in 1992. Autobiographical and inspired by The Course in Miracles, in it she chronicles the condition of the modern human-- a creature bound by FEAR and self loathing, more afraid of life than of death. The journey to wholeness, compassion and total acceptance, requires us to banish the illusions of fear and return to our true Self which is LOVE. Life Passages is also a course in miracles—allowing you to delve into the shadowlands of your karmic past and dispel the illusions that have held you captive. Karmic healing frees you to shine your true light.

Come, step into the power of your authentic self!

Life Passages

Inner Journeys
          Inner Journeys

We are Spirits in bodies having an Earthly experience. Our Souls have journeyed through time, evolving by becoming intimately acquainted with the full range of human experience—its pleasures, successes, foibles, failures, distortions, and perversions. We have all experienced love, joy, sorrow, terror, rage, shame, guilt, abandonment, betrayal, etc, etc. Whether you believe in multiple incarnations or resonate with aspects of the collective consciousness, your unconscious mind holds memories that span the entire history of mankind on this planet. What part in your human story are you here to play now?

Self Discovery

Age of Aquarious
Aquarian Free Spirit

Your current life is part of a vast continuum, spanning thousands of years. In this class we will journey back in time and forward to the future to discover the true Self and claim our dharma—our light, our power. We will follow the Soul path as outlined in the natal astrological chart, bounded on each end by the South and North Nodes of the Moon. South connects you to where we have been, North to where you are heading. A magnificent transformational experience awaits you!

The Shift…

Dying to the small self
Dying to the Small Self

As a species, we are undergoing a vast paradigm shift in consciousness. As each of us confronts our shadow side, heals our wounds, and expands our awareness, we help to move collective evolution forward. Self transformation is your life purpose! What does this mean specifically for you? How does it show up in your life? What challenges did your soul agree to take on? What service are you here to render to the planet? How are you progressing? Take this course and discover for yourself!

How do SoulCollage® and Astrology Work Together?

The Astrologer.jpg
            Star Gazing

Both astrology and SoulCollage® are based on archetypes. The planets and signs in an individual’s chart correlate with the inner parts of the self, just as the Committee Suit does in SoulCollage®. The natal chart can lead one to fertile ground for self exploration. By triggering the subconscious mind and directing it to images that reveal hidden truths, astrology enhances the collage process, creating a deeper understanding and resolution of issues.

Interpreting cards in conjunction with astrological information, increases awareness and insight. It is a powerful vehicle for out-picturing the inner life of an individual and has many applications for personal growth and spiritual healing. Of course, it is the Soul orchestrating the process!


How is the class presented?

Each class module contains informative materials, exercises, examples, card making and journaling prompts. You will be inspired to create new SoulCollage® cards and to incorporate cards you have already created into the process in order explore aspects of the Self more deeply. You will be encouraged to upload new cards to a proprietary Yahoo site prior to each class, so they can be viewed by all, discussed, interpreted and mined for meaning. This site also functions as a vehicle for comments and feedback. If you choose, you may pair up with a buddy so that each of you has the opportunity to share and to be witnessed.


What is covered in the class?

The major topics we will explore in this class are:

  • Mapping the Soul’s journey.
  • Core issues and repetitive patterns that dominate your life.
  • Karma: How you sabotage yourself with self defeating old patterns.
  • Projections: See your shadow self in the mirror of others.
  • Dharma: the path to achieving your full potential.
  • Creating partnership between your Ego and your Soul.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

    1. A 75 page e-book with a module for each class.
    2. An appendix containing all the astrological information you will need to complete the assignments.
    3. Guidance in how to create cards if you are new to SoulCollage®.
    4. Seven 2 hour long tele-calls spaced out over 13 weeks.
    5. Access to audio recordings of all calls (in case you can’t attend “live”)
    6. Self paced instructional materials that will be useful over and over again long after the course is completed.
    7. Expert feedback from a professional astrologer.
    8. A private Yahoo Group for community sharing & inspiration.


After class, if you want more personal feedback on your cards, how they fit into the larger picture of your life as seen in your astrological chart, you may schedule a 30 or 60 minute phone session with Judith for just $1 per minute—instead of $100 per hour!

Dates of the 7 Wednesday Tele-Calls:

  • February 13th
  • February 27th
  • March 13th
  • March 27th
  • April 10th
  • April 24th
  • May 8th
8-10 PM Eastern 5-7 PM Pacific

Remember, if you can’t make one or more of the calls, you will get a link to the audio recording so you don’t have to miss a thing!


If you experience any problems registering or paying please contact judith at